About us

We are a family of four. Sarah, Andy, Finn & Isla and we are on the emigration path to Sydney, Australia from Somerset, England. We arrived on Tuesday 24th August 2010 and this is our story.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree....

...eating all the gum leaves that he can see....

We sing this song at the moment.  A lot.  When I sing it to Isla she finishes that last word in the song when I leave a gap.  Finn always asks for this song at bed time.  We lie next to each other in his bed and he asks for the Kookaburra song.   He has started to sing it with me as he knows it by heart.  Mum used to sing this song to me and now I sing it to Finn & Isla.  It's nice.  When I give this printed blog book to Finn & Isla in 20 years or so hopefully they will keep it for their families and sing it to their children.  I would like that.

The other song we sing at the moment every night is Hush, little baby.  Unfortunately we don't get past the 2nd verse as I can't remember what comes next so I tend to mumble a little and Finn asks me to sing the song again. I dutifully do and he often tells me I need to learn the next bit.  I must.  Have the lyrics so must learn them and surprise him by getting past the diamond ring bit!

One of the 1st goodbyes to people I have known for many years and Andy for much longer today.  It's sad.  And now it really begins.


  1. Have you seen this book?
    It is a really lovely version of Hush Little Baby. Instead of buying things for baby in each verse, the mama looks for things in nature to show him. I love reading/singing this version to my kids. :)

  2. Thanks Jenny, that looks lovely. I have just ordered it! That will make a nice bedtime ritual. :)

  3. It's all happening! Enjoy the bitter sweetness of the next few weeks. A big leap of faith, I am sure. xo m.

  4. Feels like it is getting a little bigger by the day!
