About us

We are a family of four. Sarah, Andy, Finn & Isla and we are on the emigration path to Sydney, Australia from Somerset, England. We arrived on Tuesday 24th August 2010 and this is our story.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

3 years ago today

I was in labour with Finn and had been for around 20 hours!  Arrgghhh, I continued to be in labour for around another 20 hours.  Not full on progressive labour you understand.  The type that means you can't sleep and have to stop talking through a contraction and breath through it.  Not enough to be in hospital.  Not progressing.  You get the picture.  Sunroof exit in the end.

My baby is 3 tomorrow.  Here he is around 10 minutes old.

Here he is now...

Wow - where did that time go?

Absolutely one of the best days of my life when he was born - it changed me forever and I am amazed constantly by him.

We are off to London on the train tomorrow to celebrate, Finn is very excited and we have presents wrapped and packed to open on the 2 hour journey.  Lots of lovely things planned and all with the best of company!


  1. Happy Celebrating! I love the idea of opening presents along the way.

  2. Finn loved the presents and it did help pass the journey!

  3. Happy birthday to your adorable baby boy!!
