About us

We are a family of four. Sarah, Andy, Finn & Isla and we are on the emigration path to Sydney, Australia from Somerset, England. We arrived on Tuesday 24th August 2010 and this is our story.

Saturday, 3 April 2010


I have just spent a wonderful couple of hours reading a lovely blog by Kristi who now lives in Melbourne.  There is no doubt in my mind that she is a lovely person and she is creating a fabulous life for her family.  I come away feeling inspired and aspiring but a little self doubting.  I really hope that I am doing enough for Finn & Isla but I feel that I can and need to do more.  It will really help now the weather in England is turning from Winter to Spring.  The evenings are drawing out and the temperatures are rising.  My first step to getting them outside a bit more I think will be a visit to the beach on Monday.  The forecast looks promising and I will strip off their shoes and socks, roll up their trousers and have spare clothes at the ready for soon after.  Yes, most certainly inspired.  Time to shake off the cobwebs.

Kristi's children go to a Montessori school which really interests me.  I have been researching Steiner schools in Sydney and I definitely feel they are worth a look and think it may help to keep my littlies as children for as long as possible. 

 Soon, very soon, there will be days like this....

....and this....

 ...in beautiful places like this on our doorstep....

I'm looking forward.


  1. I am so blushing over here. So glad you are feeling inspired by my little blog. Thank you for your kind words and for describing my blog as magical in your comment. I am so touched by this. Truly, it is so sweet of you to think so. I will have to catch up on your blog.

    PS. We love Montessori, it is a great community of people. I do love Steiner to and use some of his theories in our home life.

  2. Thanks for your comments Kristi - wishing you a very Happy Easter.
