...as cuddling your children as they drift into the world of sleep? Recently Isla has become even more cuddly. We have a story in our bed. Andy often reads to Finn and I often read to Isla. We had Each, Peach, Pear, Plum tonight. It is a lovely story which we read to Finn when he was a little younger and he soon came to look for the characters as we read the story and would pre-empt the end. Isla also loves the book. She sits on my lap under the duvet and we have a story while she sucks her thumb and murmurs her responses. My heart melts. As I near the end she starts to snuffle in for cuddles so we lie back and I chat about the day a little. She gazes at me in the way your children do. Almost unblinkingly and most certainly adoringly. Her eyes start to drift and I know soon she will be asleep.
I put Isla in her cot and go for a cuddle with Finn. He pretends to snore as he wraps his arm around my neck. I ask him what has been his favourite part of the day and numerous hilarious anecdotes come forth. I tell him what we are doing the next day and that I love him. He nods and gets into his favourite sleep position with his toy penguin Hugsy in his lap.
I love this part of the day and relish it.
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